Why Is Jason Running For Mayor?

Jason comes from a family deeply rooted in public service, spanning three generations. With a perfect attendance record at council meetings this past year and active participation in ribbon cuttings with our local Chamber of Commerce, Jason is no stranger to serving his community.

From an early age, Jason aspired to serve in public office, a passion passed down through generations who held local, state, and federal government positions. His love for our country and belief that many issues affecting our daily lives are decided locally inspired him to run for Mayor.

Jason’s commitment to serving the community is unwavering. Unlike many who enter public office for the wrong reasons, Jason is focused on transparent leadership with no hidden agendas. He believes in putting the people of Ormond Beach first, ensuring their best interests are always at the forefront. With Jason as Mayor, you can count on dedicated, honest, and community-driven leadership.

Jason’s Mission

Jason plans to continue fighting the Belvedere Fuel Terminal and its current proposed location. Public safety is paramount and Ormond Beach is not the appropriate place for a fuel terminal. Jason voiced his concerns on record at the first public meeting forum to advocate for an alternative location.

Jason would also like to enhance Senior Recreation within the community. Ormond Beach has done very well serving the recreational needs of our youth, but there is room for improvement for our senior community members. The City of Ormond Beach has greater than 50% of the population over the age of 52 and we need to focus on ways to keep this group of citizens active!

Jason would like to focus on smart growth within our community. We have a lot of concerns about subdivisions going up and adding more population to the area. Jason would like to collectively identify how we can manage the the challenges of exponential growth. There is a nationwide shortage of first responders, health care workers and teachers. We also face infrastructure and growing traffic concerns. Our community needs to address these issues head on with sensible solutions. Jason has experienced alot of these similar issues in the community he previously lived in and feels he can bring some insight and perspective to the table.

Vote for Jason and let’s save and protect Ormond Beach!