Getting to Know Jason

Jason Leslie has 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Of the 5 children, Jason, the middle child, was his mother’s most inquisitive. This has served him well as he embarked on his career path as an entrepreneur. Jason started his first business at just 13 years old. He cut grass and maintained yards in his neighborhood to earn his own spending money. Jason was the captain of his basketball team and also played football and roller hockey. He also had a keen interest in music and was self taught to play drums and guitar throughout his early adulthood. After high school, Jason started working as a tow truck operator while attending community college to pursue a degree in criminal justice. Jason aspired to obtain a career in law enforcement and served as an auxiliary police officer and volunteer fire fighter to gain experience. After one semester of community college, Jason began working as an auto mechanic which transitioned into a management role. After achieving numerous sales awards and accolades in the automotive industry, Jason embarked on an opportunity to be a Mac Tools Distributor. He went on to being a top 100 distributor in the world, a mentor, and master distributor His early achievements landed him a consulting position with a Fortune-500 company helping develop franchises and worked directly with the President of the company. Later on Snap-On Tools recruited him to become a franchisee. This began his 20 year career as a business entrepreneur. Jason currently owns commercial real estate and an online e-commerce business. He holds a real estate license, offers consultative real estate services and new business start-up.

He is a car enthusiast, avid reader, loves American history, and enjoys spending time with his family. Jason also has a Morkie named Mickey that is his #1 sidekick, they enjoy walks in the park and watching a Sunday game.

Current Community Involvement:

◦ Member of Ormond Beach American Legion

◦ Appointed County Advisory Board, Business Incubator

◦ Precinct Committeeman, RECVC

◦ Business Partner and supporter to Daytona Broncos, semi-pro football team

◦ Member of Greater Grace Chapel

◦ Active member of NE Republican Club

  • Jason’s great aunt, Bethel Leslie, was a career actress with numerous Broadway productions and television appearances to include westerns, drama series and soap operas. She even once appeared along side Ronald Reagan in the 1960 episode "The Way Home" of CBS's The DuPont Show with June Allyson.

  • Jason’s great uncle, Andrew McCullough, (husband of Bethel Leslie) was Director of popular 80’s sitcom “Family Ties”.

  • Jason’s grandfather, Warren Leslie, wrote the first book published in April 1964 about the Kennedy assassination entitled “Dallas Public and Private: Aspects of An American City”.

  • Jason’s maternal grandfather, Gus Ford, served in the 101st Airborne Division during World War II that stormed the beaches of Normandy on D Day.

  • Jason’s grandmother, Bonnie Titley Leslie, was a journalist and philanthropist dedicated to helping refugees. She created promotional films for the YWCA Job Corp where she trained inner city girls to pursue careers that would free them from poverty. During the 1970’s when self pumping gas stations were on the rise, her entrepreneurial spirit led her to create and market “Station Break”, a purse sized kit to help women pump their own gas without getting gas on their hands and clothing.

  • Jason’s great great-aunt, Esther Leslie, married Richard Francis Hennessy, heir to the world’s largest cognac producer.

  • Jason’s political interest perhaps stems from his great great paternal grandfather, Alfred Moore Scales, who was the 45th Governor of North Carolina and served as a member of the US House of Representatives from North Carolina’s 5th District during the late 1800s.

  • Jason has a little theatrical experience himself. He appeared as an extra in 3 episodes of True Crime.

  • As a child, Jason bared a striking resemblance to Macaulay Culkin who played Kevin in the popular 1990’s holiday classic series of Home Alone.

 Fun Facts!